Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Wizard Proud!!!

In the last week, I've had at least 5 different conversations where different friends hung their head in shame and quietly admitted to loving Harry Potter. Several of those were held in whispered asides, as if there was some great shame in enjoying literature of any sort in this day and time ruled as it is by brain-sucking cathode tubes...and I'm a video producer, I know of what I speak here.

Well, dammit, not me. I LOVE HARRY POTTER, and I'm not afraid to say it. The books are vivid, exciting, escapism at its finest. J.K. Rowling is truly a gifted story-teller with an ability to evolve characters like few others. She is to be adored for her remarkable talent and praised for the beautiful dreams she's writen down so that we may all make her rich.

I wish I had attended Hogwarts. I want to play Quiddich. I can't wait for Ron and Hermione to hook up. And dang it, I wanna give Hagrid a hug! Yes, I admit it, I LOVE the world J.K. has created and can't wait for the final book to come out.

I'm a grown man of nearly 30 years and I am not ashamed.

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