Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Signs it will be a LONG day. #1

You get up for a nice, hard night's sleep. Let the dog out. Dog won't go. Start the coffee. Eat your Cheerios. Take the dog out again. Dog still won't go. Ask your wife to take the dog out while you shower. Dog goes for wife. Get dressed. Fill the thermos. Kiss the wife. Drive to work. Get to the office. Office is cold. Chair is cold. Fire up computer. Throw on coat you keep at the office. As you launch your e-mail, lean back and open thermos to pour a nice, hot cup of... hot water?

You forgot to put coffee in the coffee maker.

It's going to be a LONG day.


Sara said...

Dude that is rough, I hope it isn't too long!

Auz E. Moto said...

Opted to get a Dr. Pepper after all that, but the machine spat out a coke. So the fun just keeps rolling along.