Friday, September 22, 2006

Long weeks row to hoe down at the club over the head....

Yes, that's how long this week has been. All of my metaphors are running together like a man rollerskating on one leg through a buffalo herd of cats... See what I mean.

Spent the week traveling through North Texas taking agency ID photos as this is 2006 and it seems everyone needs a agency ID...nevermind that most of us already have three... Still. It was nice work and I was able to see lots of old friends and make many new ones. Overton, Dallas, Vernon, and Stephenville. In 4 days. All the staffs were great and wonderfully helpful, but Janet in Vernon gets a gold star for being the best of the best. And that has nothing to do with the fact that she lives on a golf course and invited me to play there next time I'm out. :D

But I'm home now and looking forward to a weekend of nothing but football, napping, and maybe I'll even get lucky if a treat my wife nice. Cross your fingers for me kids.

Oh, and yes, when I'm this exhausted, my "TMI Filter" is worthless.

We are going to have some fun this weekend. For her birthday last year, I got Mel a Easy Bake Oven. She'd never been so fortunate as a child to have one. Well, neither has our other friend Mel ever had one. So this weekend the girls are going to have an Easy Bake party. Fun for them. Football without guilt for me. LOVE IT!!!

Be sure to check out the previous post. I remember once back in high school when Nicole Parker had to give me a ride home to the ranch. My father was Farm Manager on the Turley ranch. David Parker was General Manager at that time. Which made his three daughters (Erin, Nicole, and Shannon) like family to me. Now Erin, who is a year older, and I got along well enough but weren't exactly close. Shannon (a few years younger) and I have been pretty tight over the years. But Nicole... Nicole and I are the same age, graduated in the same class. And because of our situation on the ranch, often got far more of each other than either cared for. It got ugly at times.

Now about this day and this ride home. I think this was after my accident, so I was without a car still, and had no option but to load up in the tiny Parker girl's CRX. Nice tight quarters when you can't stand the person next to you. And this was a 30 minute drive, and that day I'd been a particular pain in Nicole's side. No telling what exactly I'd done, but I'm sure her feelings were justified.

Well, resentful as she was, she dared not leave me behind and face the wrath of her mother. So, we loaded up and headed out. But to make it particularly clear how much Nicole despised me, she put in the cassette single of "Everything About You" by Ugly Kid Joe, played it loudly and played it over and over. But now, I was in a good mood and did I mention how much I love this song? Well, I love it so much I HAVE to sing along, and I did. And she played it louder. And I sang along LOUDER... the whole way home this process repeated. She sped handily, so we made it home fast, but I'm guessing we still had time to hear the song 7 or 8 times. Each time louder than beffore, and all with me singing horribly at the top of my lungs. Still can't believe we aren't both deaf.

God bless Nicole. Since those days we've found a peace and certain respect between us. I really like the person she's grown into, and I hope she likes the man I've become as well. I do consider her a friend now. But lord, how I survived those years and that day in particular without her actually, literally turning me into a bloody, beaten, tragic headline in the Daily Oklahoman...

Well, thank you, Nicole. I'm glad you didn't kill me as I may well have deserved.

Have a great weekend everyone.


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