Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Candidate Forum...

Sorry I haven't been posting much lately folks. Obviously, I've been simultaneously busy and lazy. Aside from the general crap of work and what not, the YR's are planning a big event here in College Station later this month, and you know me, I'm right in the mix of it.

-Thursday, October 27th, 7pm, College Station Conference Center-

The Brazos County Young Republicans will be hosting a candidates forum at College Station Conference Center. The evening of Oct. 27th at 7 pm, all three candidates for the Republican nomination for Texas Congressional District 17 will be speaking before the crowd and answering questions. Van Taylor, Tucker Anderson and Bentley Neddles (sp?) are vying for the opportunity to challenge incumbent democrat Chet Edwards in the 2006 general election.

So come on out and meet our champions. Its time to take this district back.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Good to see you back up and posting!